The last 6 months have seen energy costs rise at an alarming rate, resulting in sharply increased financial pressure for Belgian families. Therefore, now more than ever, it is necessary to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We set out to find out how we can reduce our future energy bill, in an environmentally friendly way. A win-win with nature, as it were. With this 5-step plan, you are already taking a step in the right direction.
Step 1: Reduce electrical usage during peak periods
Why is it important to reduce electricity consumption during peak hours? Peak hours are the times of day when energy consumption is highest - usually when people come home and start cooking, watching TV, etc. Electricity consumption is heavily influenced by the weather, with annual peaks usually coinciding with the hottest and coldest days of the year. Unlike many other usage patterns, energy consumers tend to turn on heating and cooling around the same time, which often leads to troublesome spikes in power consumption. Electricity prices during peak hours are higher, as the high demand puts extra strain on the current infrastructure. This is why you may see charges for off-peak and peak hours on your electricity bill. For now, it is still recommended to run your washer, dryer and dishwasher in the morning or later in the evening. Beware, the abolition of the night tariff is coming. At that point we will be forced back toward batteries. Other very simple measures can be taken, such as turning off other appliances and lights when they are not needed. Reducing standby consumption is one of the easiest ways to reduce your power consumption. Some people would be very shocked to know the effective cost of their slumber consumption.
Step 2: Install solar panels
What you can still do to lower your electricity bill is to install solar panels on the roof of your home. Photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems convert sunlight through semiconductors into direct current (DC) electricity, which is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity. No fossil fuels are involved in generating green energy through solar panels. This way, you give nature a helping hand and are not affected by rising energy prices. Installing solar panels is actually not a cost, but an investment that will pay for itself in 5 to 8 years! They can be installed wherever you want: on the roof, carport, garage, gazebo, pool house or even on the ground. Again, you don't need a permit, and solar panels can also increase your home's value when it's time to sell. Moreover, solar panels have a lifespan of up to 30 years, so if you are thinking about sustainability, this is an excellent option, as they also make families more conscious of their energy consumption. Once step 2 is completed, you have come a long way: you are now producing your own electricity instead of buying it!
Step 3: Pair your solar panel system with a home battery
After installing your solar panel system, you can further reduce your bill by connecting it to a home battery. This combination allows you to store the excess energy produced during sunny days and use it as needed when sunlight is not available or during nighttime hours. On average, a Belgian family has a self-consumption rate of about 30%. The remaining electricity generated by your solar panels is first injected into the grid and taken back from the grid at another time. By installing a home battery, you reduce your dependence on the electricity grid. For example, people with a home battery achieve an average self-consumption of 55% to 75%. The exact level of your self-consumption depends on your consumption profile and the capacity of your solar panels & home battery. So by installing a home battery, you significantly reduce your electricity costs. A battery has a payback period of 6 to 10 years, depending on your profile. Expect it to last about 20 years.
Step 4: Replace you old boiler with a heat pump
We are all increasingly looking for ways to heat in a sustainable way. This is not only good news for the environment and the climate, but also for your energy bill! In times of EPB standards, CO2-emissions, climatic increases, ... one sometimes asks the question ' Is a heat pump really better for the environment? Yes it is! And this on two levels. First, because of lower electricity consumption. With a heat pump, only the compressor will consume electricity. Not to generate heat, but only to compress and transfer it. So your consumption is lower and you will notice that on your energy bill. Second, in terms of air pollution. A heat pump gets its heat from the environment. Unlike boilers, which get their heat from burning natural gas or fuel oil. These release tons of CO2, whereas a heat pump does not emit a single gram of CO2. To ensure optimal heat pump efficiency, proper insulation is required. So first and foremost, make sure your house is well insulated. Because up to 75% of the energy required is drawn from the immediate environment (air, water, soil) and only a few electrical components (such as compressor, circulation pump, fan, etc.) consume energy, our heat pumps belong to the highest energy efficiency classes (up to A+++). If you really want to go all out, you can connect your heat pump to solar panels. That way, all the energy is supplied by nature. Wonderful! Do you still have an old boiler? The older an appliance gets, the more its efficiency deteriorates and the more energy it consumes. Moreover, the risk of breakdowns and leaks increases. If your boiler is older than 15 years or if it starts using 35% more energy than a new model, it's time to consider switching to a heat pump.
Step 5: Replace old inefficient household light bulbs and appliances
Did you know that LED lighting uses up to 10 times less energy than old incandescent and halogen bulbs? By replacing all the bulbs in a house, you can sometimes save up to 20% on your energy bill! Granted, this is another investment, but no one is arguing that you should replace everything at once. Today, for almost every light bulb, there is an LED retrofit available. When replacing older fixtures with newer models, it may also pay to buy the most energy-efficient model you can. This can be easily determined by looking at the energy labels of appliances. The better an appliance's rating, the more efficient it is. As a homeowner, energy-efficient appliances are essential to help you save money and energy, protect the environment and improve your lifestyle.
We wish you good luck, and we hope you can get started on one or more steps already!
Olivier Delgado,
Energy Expert