In the rapidly changing world of architecture and project development, renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important. A notable trend in this is the emergence of small renewable energy production facilities.

What are Small Production Plants?

Small renewable energy production plants have an inverter capacity of up to 25 kVA. They play a crucial role in the pursuit of sustainable, green buildings and projects. The well-known example is the solar panelor PV system, which converts light energy into electricity.

Sustainable Revolution in Architecture

For architects, these installations offer an opportunity to integrate sustainability into their designs. Installing solar panels on roofs and facades becomes not only an energy-efficient choice, but also an architectural statement for a greener future.

Benefits for Project Developers

Project developers enjoy not only environmental benefits, but also financial benefits. Solar panel integration can lead to lower long-term operating costs and improved profitability, making it an attractive selling point as well.

Conclusion: The Future is Green

Small manufacturing plants are essential to a greener future in the construction industry. They are no longer just technological additions, but the building blocks for a more sustainable world. Architects and developers who embrace this trend are contributing to positive change in the global fight against climate change.


Although today it is possible to install solar panels with inverters up to 25kVA without an additional permit, installations larger than 10kVA require a VAT number to enter into an injection contract. This does not make it natural for everyone to install solar panel installations with inverter power greater than 10kVA. Be sure to discuss with your energy advisor what the options are for each customer.