solar panels

In 2023, demand for solar panels is down 60% compared to the previous year. In 2022, the market peaked with more than 100,000 solar systems installed in households. Now the market seems to be cooling a bit, as reported by the renewable energy sector federation, ODE. To understand the reasons and impact of this decline for potential solar panel buyers, Bouwsite Livios spoke with Herman Daniëls.

Causes of the decline

Herman Daniëls points to several reasons for the decline in orders in the private solar panel market. One major factor is the increasing complexity of the energy transition, leaving many consumers feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take, such as buying an electric car, purchasing a heat pump and mandatory home renovations.

Another major reason is that the government has reduced incentives for solar panels, such as subsidies and grants. This is happening as renewable energy is seen as increasingly normal. This has reduced the urgency for people to install solar panels.

Influence on solar panel market

Experts note that although the solar panel market is now mature and can stand on its own two feet, there is still a need for confidence and clear communication from the government about the profitability of solar panels. While energy prices have fallen and this has reduced the pressure to invest quickly, it may also cause some people to delay their decision or spend their savings elsewhere.

Long-term thinking

Despite price drops in the global market, Herman Daniëls stresses that quality should still be a priority when choosing solar panels. While some people may be tempted by cheap options from Asia, one should be aware of the lifespan of solar panels, which is usually between 25 and 30 years. Quality panels and professional installation are essential to the long-term success of a solar energy system.

Developments around solar panels

With government subsidies continuing to be phased out, demand for solar panel installation is expected to stabilize rather than the traditional year-end rush seen previously. Although the subsidy is less of a factor in determining the return on investment, installing solar panels remains a cost-effective choice for homeowners with suitable roofs.

Despite a drop in demand for solar panels in 2023, investing in solar energy remains a wise choice for homeowners. Consumers must remain aware of the long-term benefits as the energy transition becomes more complex and government incentives diminish. Quality and expert installation remain essential to maximize the yield and lifespan of solar panels. Although the market is calmer now, sustainability remains an important aspect for the future of power generation.