Customer testimonials

"We just built a new home, but there was no gas here on the street so we opted for a geothermal heat pump combined with solar panels. The system has been in place for about a year now and surely we can say we have zero consumption."

"Our geothermal heat pump had failed and the installer at the time was out of business, no one would come to help because pump was not installed by them except EneryKing."

"My installer couldn't help me any further, so I called EnergyKing and they were here the next day. They found the problem and also fixed it immediately. The service was perfect!"

"Last year solar panels were put on the roof here because we were aware of the high energy consumption in order to reduce the energy cost. The carrying capacity of our roof was not optimal but EnergyKing offered us an appropriate solution"

"We have solar panels coupled with a battery system that allows us to manage to become 80% independent of the grid in the summer. During the day the solar panels generate energy and at night we start using the stored energy."