Discover everything about electric driving on EnergyKing: from electric cars to charging stations and subsidies. Make the switch to sustainable mobility!

Solar cells on your Electric Car: A Revolutionary Leap?

Explore how German researchers have developed an affordable film that converts solar energy via solar cells into extra driving range.

Brussels bets on smart charging stations

Find out how Brussels is working toward more sustainable mobility and a cleaner environment for the future with a €500,000 investment in smart charging stations.

Bidirectional charging stations revolutionize electric driving

Discover how bi-directional charging stations are transforming the future of sustainable mobility.
charging station

VUB innovates charging technology for electric vehicles

Scientists at EPOWERS have developed an innovative technology. This technology improves the charging of electric cars.

Electric vehicles are breaking records!

Read more about the growing acceptance of electric vehicles and competition in the auto industry.
Rising gas prices

How do rising gas prices affect your energy bill?

Discover the impact of rising gas prices on your energy bill and learn how you can easily reduce it!

Breakdown on the road with your electric car? Some practical tips!

Break down on the road with your electric car? Discover some practical solutions tips to get back on the road quickly in this blog.

A revolution in renewable energy technologies

Explore the future of renewable energy. Discover innovative technologies and decentralized energy generation. Read all about it in this blog!

Are these 5 statements about electric cars true?

In this blog post, we will debunk five common myths about electric driving and show why they no longer hold water.
sustainable lifestyle

Find out how you can lead a sustainable lifestyle!

Are you looking for ways to lead a more sustainable lifestyle and contribute to a cleaner future? Then you've come to the right place! Read on and find out how you can contribute to a more sustainable world!