Making home more energy efficient

Making your home energy efficient, the 4-step plan.

Everyone wants to make their homes more energy efficient. But how do you do it? How do you get the most out of your budget when you want to make your existing home energy efficient? We have already listed the 4 essential steps you should take.

Step 1 is always to insulate. Start with cavity wall insulation and roof insulation if these are not already in place.

Step 2 is to look at your heating system. Are you still stuck with an old oil boiler and can't immediately switch to a renewable energy source such as a heat pump? Then a good intermediate step is a gas condensing boiler. Not only does this heat more economically and efficiently than fuel oil, but there is no sulfur emissions, risk of leaks or tank that needs to be filled.

Step 3 is a PV installation. Do you have a roof with not too much shade and some budget for a good investment. Then don't wait and get your own solar panel installation. An average family can already solve its electricity consumption with an installation of less than €5000.

Step 4 is to replace glass and exterior joinery is the most expensive procedure and not purely to save on your consumption but also often an aesthetic one.

With the green tax shift coming, they want everyone to pay more for using fossil fuels and less for green electricity. Ultimately, they want to motivate the population to stop heating via fossil fuels such as gas and heating oil. Electricity can be generated more and more sustainably and is therefore the way of the future to heat our homes.

Do you want to know if your home can be heated with a heat pump? This requires two things: good insulation and low-temperature emission. When you are building or doing major renovations, underfloor heating is always recommended. A gas condensing boiler also performs better with underfloor heating than with high-temperature radiators.

SOURCE: , 22/11/2017