Pursuing independence from energy suppliers? Are you considering purchasing a home battery? In this blog, we dive deeper into the benefits and considerations of a home battery system.

What Does a Home Battery Do?

A home battery, a powerful battery for energy storage and use, offers an interesting opportunity to become self-sufficient. Especially in combination with solar panels, where energy generated during the day can be used at night. Without a home battery, unused solar energy goes straight back into the grid, incurring additional costs during peak hours.

The Benefits of a Home Battery

  1. Financial Savings: Drastic reduction in electricity bills through storage and smart use of solar energy.
  2. Resistance to Price Increases: Protection against unexpected electricity price increases.
  3. Sustainable Choice: Optimal use of green energy, environmentally friendly and sustainable.
  4. Maximizing Solar Panels: Improved returns for solar panels, especially when combined with smart technology.
  5. Electric Vehicle Charging: Ability to charge electric vehicles with stored solar energy.

Why Buy a Home Battery Now?

The popularity of home batteries has surged recently, due in part to the elimination of the rollback counter and rising electricity prices. Moreover, the prices of home batteries are now more accessible. They range from 4,000 euros (3 kWh) to 10,000 euros (14 kWh), depending on capacity.

When Still Waiting?

Although prices have dropped, the payback period for a home battery can still be significant, up to 10, 15 or even 20 years. Therefore, consider carefully:

  • Alignment with Consumption: Is the storage capacity aligned with your current electricity consumption and solar production?
  • Battery Type: Which type of battery suits you? Lead acid, lithium ion or saltwater?
  • Lifespan: How many charge cycles can the battery handle during its lifetime of up to 20 years?
  • Cooling system: Does the battery have a reliable cooling system?
  • Additional Cost: Are there additional costs, such as a separate inverter, and what about possible self-build kits?

Remember: the cheapest energy is the energy you don't use. Therefore, invest in insulation and energy-efficient technologies first.

Are there any Premiums for Home Batteries?

There are currently no more specific premiums for home batteries in Belgium. However, it is advisable to check other (energy) premiums on the websites of the different regions.

Conclusion: Is Now the Moment?

Buying a home battery offers significant benefits for those seeking lower electricity consumption and increased self-sufficiency with renewable energy. But the investment deserves thorough consideration, especially given the payback period and the many variables such as battery type and lifespan. Consult an energy auditor for independent advice tailored to your home, life, and budget. In short, make sure your home is ready for an energy-efficient future before diving into the world of home batteries.