HVAC technician with thumbs up

The importance of annual air conditioning maintenance

For most people, air conditioners are a luxury item that they use mainly during the summer months. For others, they are a year-round necessity because they use them to heat their homes. Either way, you've probably already wondered how often now you should have your air conditioner checked or serviced. Most companies recommend annual maintenance. But is it really necessary?

Not really... This may sound strange, especially coming from an air conditioning installer. But it's true! There is nothing wrong with having your unit checked every two years. Air conditioners are sturdy enough to withstand a few summers, even if you use them daily. Today's air conditioners don't get broken overnight.

But is that enough? Are you okay with it if your air conditioner has to work much harder to achieve the same cooling performance and consume such more power?

We don't.

If you want to keep your air conditioner in top condition, we think it's important to have your air conditioner checked every year. We explain why...

Carefree into the summer

A spring maintenance is the perfect way to prepare your air conditioner for summer. Since you probably didn't use it much, if at all, over the winter, your air conditioner's efficiency may have deteriorated a bit.

If you want an air conditioner that is very energy efficient in the summer, you should have it checked in the spring. You might compare it to a car that has been idle for almost a whole year, it also needs a polish and maintenance. A well-prepared machine is an efficient machine.

Our springs and summers are getting hotter and hotter, which is why your air conditioner needs some care so it can get you through the heat carefree. You wouldn't want it to break down or work less efficiently in the dead of summer.

Couple in seat watches air conditioner

Repairing an air conditioner is more expensive than maintaining it

Let's go back to the car analogy. If you've ever had your car repaired after a breakdown, you know how expensive it is. Compare that to annual maintenance. The reasoning is the same for an air conditioner. It's one of those appliances that, when it breaks down, it's cheaper to just buy a new one.

The best advice we can give you as an air conditioning installer is to have an annual maintenance done to ensure that no malfunctions occur.

Our experience with air conditioner repair is that nearly half of the repairs could have been prevented if the air conditioner had been serviced annually. This means that annual maintenance can reduce the likelihood of a problem by fifty percent.

Your warranty depends on regular maintenance of your appliances

hvac technician performs maintenanceIt's no secret that most appliances come with some form of warranty. Several air conditioning manufacturers require you to have regular maintenance performed in order to claim their warranty terms.

Brands such as Fujitsu and Daikin, for example, have this in their guidelines. They clearly state that replacement parts can only be given if the air conditioner has been regularly serviced by a licensed air conditioning installer.

It extends the life of your air conditioner

It is common sense that a regular check of your air conditioner is both a preventive and maintenance measure. It can help prevent potential problems before expensive repairs are needed. And by keeping your air conditioner in top condition, you extend its life considerably.

Similarly, neglecting your air conditioner can do more damage than you think. Without regular maintenance, for example, a small problem will go undetected, and that can quickly (or gradually) grow into a major problem that costs hundreds of dollars in repair.

Regular maintenance helps maintain maximum efficiency

To maintain the best efficiency of your air conditioner, annual maintenance is essential. Otherwise, the efficiency of your air conditioner can decrease by as much as 5% each year.

HVAC technician does a maintenanceThere are a host of things that can contribute to the declining efficiency of an air conditioner. One is the accumulation of dirt and dust. When these accumulate, the coils that enable heat transfer can no longer do so as efficiently. The dirt particles block the heat, and so your air conditioner becomes less efficient.

Another problem is a blockage in the air conditioner, which causes water damage and unwanted humidity. The air conditioner motor may also wear out or need lubrication. The blowers should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the air won't flow as well and you'll blow all the dust back into the room. All of these problems can be easily prevented and you will also save a lot of money this way.

Do you own an air conditioning system but do not yet have a maintenance contract?

Contact us for more information.